October 11, 2013

Friday Favorites

What I read this week

I finished up the Throne of Fire by Rick Riordan at the beginning of this week. I don't connect with all the characters in this series as well as I do in his Percy Jackson series, but I am officially hooked. There was a time in my life when I was sure I was going to be an Egyptologist and reading this series is really making me want to go back and read all the Egyptian history books we have around the house. Riordan is a fantastic storyteller, and when I finished this book I went straight to the library to pick up the third in the series.

After Throne of Fire I went straight into The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman. Gaiman is an unbelievable writer. He perfectly manages to walk the line between reality and magic, and horror and fantasy. Had the timing worked out, I think I would have read this in one sitting...as it was it only took me a day to read. It's short, but absolutely spellbinding. Gaiman always has exactly the right words. Nothing feels forced or too bizarre, despite the fact the plot involves myth and magic. The characters make perfect sense and they feel so real. I'm not entirely sure there is anything I could say that does this book justice. (I felt this same when after I listened to the Graveyard Book as an audiobook. I had to buy the physical book the second I finished listening and it's now a favorite re-read.)
I know that the subject may not be everyone's cup of tea, but the writing and the story were so good that I want to shout "READ THIS" from my rooftop. His writing style doesn't remind me of JK Rowling, but the talent behind it does. You can look at one of his sentences and realize just how perfect it is for that moment in the book, and how masterfully the threads of the story weave together.

(A side note-if you like audiobooks then try any of Gaiman's books. He reads them himself and they are some of the best I've listened to...and as a former librarian that's saying something!)

Good reads around the web this week:

This Pork Tenderloin with Apple Salsa from Pink Parsley is going on our menu for next week for sure.

I adore rice pudding and Joy the Baker created a fabulous twist on the recipe-Maple and Ginger.

Awesome kids dress up sellers on Etsy from Ain't No Mom Jeans.

Dried Apple Rings from Smells Like Home. I have my eye on these for after school snacks.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Let's connect! You can find Hearth and Homefront on FacebookTwitterPinterest, Instagram and Goodreads. I'll see you there! 

1 comment:

  1. I'm so with you on the Neil Gaiman book - I wanted to shout it from the rooftops!


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