November 22, 2013

Friday Favorites

The view out my front window after about an hour after the ice starting falling this morning. 

So about 15 minutes after I hit publish on yesterday's post (the one where I talked about how nice the weather was?) the wind started blowing and by the time I picked the boys up from school it was in the 40s. Yikes. The ice has started to fall this morning, and I'm sticking close to home drinking tea and enjoying the fireplace for the first time this year. And probably making cupcakes…as you do.

What I've been reading online this week:

I love this little sewing nook on I Heart Organizing (by Make it Handmade). I've been taking a refresher sewing class, and it's been so much fun to dedicate time to being creative once a week.

Joy the Baker has a new show called Bonkers Awesome on AND made some amazing looking candy bar cupcakes.

1500 pieces of art stolen by the Nazis has been found in Munich.

Domestic Sluttery is celebrating the 50th Anniversary episode of Doctor Who (airs on Saturday!!) with a week filled with Doctor Who goodies. My favorites? The Dalek Bread and the 4th Doctor Apron. It would be dangerous to cook with Tom Baker's scarf after all!

One Simple Thing made a baked Lemon Ricotta cake that looks like the perfect accompaniment to a cup of tea.

You may have seen this already if you've liked my Facebook page, but if not check out these colorized historical photographs. They are absolutely fascinating!

I hope you have a fabulous weekend, and if there is winter weather in your area too-stay safe!


  1. My 18 degrees beats your 40, but I'll take my snow over your ice. What are you sewing?? Please send cupcakes :)

  2. I think you're always going to win in the temperature contest! But I loved the picture of your turkey outside :) My sewing class is making a little sewing kit bag, but I made a little apron for myself last weekend…it was fun and simple-the best kind of project!


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