December 13, 2013

Friday Favorites

                                        Books ready to be exchanged at my book club's annual book exchange!

Happy Friday everyone! Are you done with all the shopping and planning for the holidays or are you still in the midst of the craziness? I suspect you can guess which category I'm in :) There will be a lot of wrapping and post office runs over the next few days for me!

It's fun crazy though, and we have a packed weekend. Christmas parties last night and tonight and then tomorrow I'm headed to a girls day in the big city for a Pioneer Woman book signing. (Cue fangirl squealing!)

It's been a while since I've rounded up my reading so I'm going to do a separate reading roundup in the next few days. There's been a lot of good stuff in my reading list lately. If you can't wait until the post-go friend me on Goodreads and see what I've been reading there!

In the meantime, here are some of my favorite links from the last week!

1. If you follow me on Facebook or Twitter you might have already seen this, but my guest post on Bunny and Dolly was included in a roundup of Hot Chocolate recipes on The Huffington Post! I wandered around with a big goofy grin on my face all day yesterday. Seriously, the HUFFINGTON POST. And the other bloggers on the list are huge and awesome. Ok, obviously I'm still giddy. Check it out here. I'm #12!

2. For my fellow Jane Austen nerds check out the Jane Austen and Motherhood Book Club hosted by Gidget Goes Home. The group is going to read one Austen book a month (starting with Pride and Prejudice in January) and discuss it through the lens of Motherhood. You don't have to be a mother to join-the discussion will focus on how mothers are portrayed in her books and how they affect the storyline and other characters. The discussion will all be happening in the Facebook group.

3. This Pomander Spiced Orange Jam from Simple Bites looks like a perfect complement to holiday breakfasts. And it must smell divine while it's cooking!

4. I haven't tried making chocolate bark yet, but this Peanut Butter and Chocolate version from Brown Eyed Baker is going on my holiday baking list.

5. 10 Food Crazes of 2013. I think the only one we use regularly is sriracha, but I wouldn't consider that "new".

6. Shana and Stacey are doing a new series on Social Networks. This week they have tips for getting the most out of Twitter and Facebook. Since I'm still figuring out Twitter, I am loving this series! Do you have a social media preference?

Hope you all have a fantastic weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for linking to our series Moira! I am behind on my blog reading so I am just seeing this now! Glad you are liking it. I have begun to use Buffer after reading through Shana's tips and am already finding Twitter easier to use!


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