March 10, 2014

On Comfort Cooking

My apologies for the crickets around here friends. Life and it's unending complications have been in full force the last few weeks. When I had a spare second to work on the blog I found that my energy and motivation had been sapped. I occasionally popped over to Twitter and Instagram but a whole post was too much to contemplate.

I was still in the kitchen, and still reading but nothing was new or exciting. I think as bloggers we feel a pressure that what we write needs to be momentous or timely. St. Patrick's Day is coming up? Get your Guinness recipes ready. Polar vortex? Time for a new soup. New bestseller? Get your review up.

When life gets stressful though what do we cling to? Comfort. Tradition. Familiarity. At least I need those things. A big pot of my favorite tea. A book that's a total escape. Dinners that I've made 100 times. It's easy to convince the blogger part of me that I have nothing interesting to say until I get out of that comfort zone.

And yet here's the thing…I like to think some of you stop by for more than just a seasonal recipe or a timely new book review. So I don't think you'll mind if I change things up around here for the next month or two.

Cooking, writing, reading. These things make me happy and I want to embrace them in this rather frustrating moment in life. I remember reading that when Madeline L'Engle was frustrated or in a temper her family would often point out that it was time for her to go write. She and I might just have a few things in common. It's time I actively sought that comfort rather than just trying to keep up with the high highs and low lows of 2014.

Join me, won't you? I promise there will be good things to read and eat like always. Things might be just a little more capricious around here…and a small shake-up might be just what my little corner of the internet needed!



  1. No apologies necessary! I stop by because of the gentle atmosphere you've created here. Just keep that up (whenever you can -- no pressure) and I'll be here to read it.

  2. Your last few weeks sound a little like mine. I've kept up with contract writing, but more times than I can count when it's came time to write a blog post, I've chosen a short nap instead. Post whatever you want whenever you want - we'll still be here!

  3. Oh I love how Sarah described your little corner of the world as a 'gentle atmosphere'. That is just perfect. I always feel a bit calmer when I have stopped by. I can't wait to come along on your adventure!

  4. Sounds like we did have similar Februarys! I have high hopes for March for both of us though :)

  5. I'm very glad to have your company on my adventure too! Thanks for the kind words!

  6. Thank you-that is very sweet, and really appreciated. You helped put into words what I hope people find here :)

  7. You'll probably find that once you step away and just do what you enjoy for a little while with no pressure, that you'll come back stronger than ever. Enjoy your pot of tea and good book. :)


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