Doesn't everyone cook with legos?
What I'm reading:
The Great Reading Challenge has begun! I'm about halfway through Game of Thrones and the husband is already starting Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. I think he's secretly hooked, though he won't admit than a sheepish "it's actually pretty good". I didn't think I was hooked on G of T until I was reading at naptime yesterday and realized I flew through almost 100 pages in 2 hours.
We decided to keep it interesting we're going to watch each Harry Potter movie as he gets through the books, and the first 2 seasons of Game of Thrones as I read. It will help put faces to characters. I think we're both also excited to have someone else to geek out with about the book vs movie debate for each one. Yup, we're that cool.
What I'm watching:
I'm totally hooked on Shakespeare Uncovered on PBS. They've divided the plays up and talk about the history and theatrical back story to each one. They're all hosted by a well-known actor or actress who has recently played the part.Of course, the complete opposite to this is The Bachelor...and this week was an awesome trainwreck. I don't want to spoil the episode for those who haven't seen it, but I'm very pleased with the results :)
Great links around the web:
A really interesting read on how physical activity helps some children regulate emotions (especially children who have undergone some sort of trauma). I notice a big difference in my boys depending on whether we can get outside or not.
Man, I wish we had the time to make these this week! They're perfect Valentines for superhero obsessed little boys but I bet they'd be great party favors too! I do have a birthday party to plan for an almost 5 year old...
Great post about the real life of blogging from Joy the Baker. Lots of cool new blogs to check out in the comments too!
A Red Beans and Rice soup that looks perfect for a cold winters night.
These baked cinnamon sugar doughnuts look like they might be awfully dangerous for me to keep around.