January 1, 2015

Tallying Up and Moving Forward

Everywhere I look the changing of the year reckoning has begun. "Best of" lists abound (even I couldn't resist!), goals are being reviewed and new ones set.

I realized pretty early in the year that the intentions I originally set for 2014 did not stand a chance of completion. Looking back our family accomplished an awful lot despite the chaos. Maybe even because of the chaos. Reading is my happy place, and I think the stats below show that this was a year of comfort books!

Nerd out with me for a moment :) 

This year's book stats:

68 books total

30 mysteries

16 non-fiction

3 different continents  as settings (North America, Australia and Asia)

14 (!) books set in the 1920s alone,  and only 2 fiction books were set in the present day

33 female protagonists, 11 male, 10 with multiple viewpoints

12 re-reads

6 Young Adult (this surprised me-I thought I read more YA this year)

So where does that leave me? 65 books was my goal this year, and I felt pretty comfortable with that. I had hoped to read more of the books that have been languishing unread for years around the house, but considering the circumstances (and the fact that those books were in boxes for several months!) I'm not beating myself up over it. 

Now on to 2015! 

Read 70 books. 

Review them on the blog (in a timely manner-ha!)

Read at least 3/4 of the books for the Young Adult Book and Movie Club (YABMC) hosted by Jessica of Quirky Bookworm. It's a great list this year so this should be an easy goal!

Find a book club locally. I really miss the monthly connection with my bookish friends. 

Try to read books set in places or times that I don't normally gravitate towards…so less Victorian England basically. 

And a repeat from 2014-Try to read a few of the books that are sitting unread on my bookshelves. 

Do you set reading goals? What are you hoping to read in 2015? 


  1. Fabulous! I'm so glad I was able to exceed my 2014 reading goal. Even though I set an intentionally low goal factoring in the arrival of baby. :-) I can't wait for your 2015 book reviews! PS I miss you. We need a virtual book club.

  2. Last year I set no goals, taking the approach that I would read what I wanted rather than feel the pressure of a list. This year, though, I'm wanting to set some goals. I want to read a couple parenting books (we just adopted our first child) as well as one Christian classic (maybe something by John Owen?). I also have a goal of wanting to set aside one time period per day where I sit and read without distraction -- I can get distracted by my to-do list and by my computer/phone, and then my reading time slips away until I have just a few minutes before bed. I set 50 books as my goal on Goodreads.

  3. Miss you too! Best idea EVER. What do we read first??

  4. Congratulations on your new addition! Adoption is the best thing that ever happened to our family :) I have the same trouble-I'm forever picking up my phone "to check something" and then I lose 15 minutes without realizing it, but then when I'm reading something I can't put down I magically find all this reading time!

  5. I'm open to suggestions. I have a list as long as my arm...

  6. www.reederreads.comJanuary 3, 2015 at 4:36 PM

    What a great list of resolutions! I like that you broke down books by the authors sex. I didn't even think of doing that (I might after I finish writing this). I always make a very small list, because I don't like to fail LOL

  7. I have been aware of author gender in my reading list for a while but I'm going to try to read more diverse books in 2015. I'm looking forward to seeing what 70 books you read this year.

  8. I'm hoping to diversify all around as well-and it's been helpful to have that in the back of my mind as I look through the reading lists that are all out right now so I can save titles that will open my reading up to new people and places.

  9. I almost always fail at something on my list-lol! I was a little more specific than I was last year-hopefully that will work in my favor!

  10. Firstly, I'm crazy about that mug!!!

    I love your break down of books! Great way to sort them out!

    My reading goal is 45 books, I like to set it a bit low, and then go over!!

    I wish you luck with finding a book club, maybe try your local library?

  11. I don't really set reading goals, since I'm so flighty about what books I read. But I would love love love to find a book club. Someone else suggested the library -- that's a great idea. I think I'll try that.


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