January 25, 2013

Friday Favorites

What I'm Reading: 

I've been working through two books this week, Buddhism for Mothers of Young Children: becoming a mindful parent and In a Gilded Cage: From Heiress to Duchess.
The first is a book that looks at the challenges of parenting through some of the teachings of buddhism. It's not religion focused, but takes some of the ideas like being present and mindful in all that you do to make some of the harder parts of parenting a better experience for the whole family. If you're curious about this one, Modern Parents Messy Kids has been doing a book club on it over the last few months and you can get a good idea of what it covers.
In a Gilded Cage studies the lives of 5 women born in America who married into the British aristocracy. These are some of the true stories that inspired Downton Abbey. They span the time period from the 1870's to early 1900's and show the full arc of how American gilded age excess changed the London society.

What I'm listening to: 

Oh Brother Where Are Thou? soundtrack. My husband started listening to this last week after someone randomly quoted the movie last weekend. We saw this together in college and used to listen to the soundtrack all the time in the car together. It's been kind of fun reminiscing all week while listening to it. 

Good reads around the 'net this week: 

Intro to juicing by Joy and Gaby...I'm intrigued but a little scared. I think if I try this I'm just going to have to order a pre-made one. (Since we have neither the space or the inclination to buy a juicer)

There was a restaurant in Amherst, MA named Judie's when I was in college that was the "fancy" place you went when you're parents visited. They were known for their popovers and this recipe makes me so nostalgic I'm going to have to try this soon. Wonder if I can make them without a popover pan? 

Anyone else still feeling the organization bug that always seems to accompany the new year? I've got my eye on a system like the one Jen at I Heart Organizing came up with to handle their finances.

Shana at Ain't No Mom Jeans has a new shoe obsession. If I got a pair of these I think I would either live in them or regret the purchase immediately. I can't decide!

Random, yet hilarious, Historical Doppelgängers.

1 comment:

  1. I've made the Cooks Illustrated Popover recipe in a muffin tin with for big muffins (the kind that has 6 muffins per pan), and it worked fine. If you want, I can send you the recipe. It is a bit more involved than the one you posted, though most Cooks Illustrated recipes have a little bit of extra work!


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