January 17, 2014

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday! So happy that it's a three day weekend with minimal plans in our house. I have grand plans of cooking, cleaning out my closet (thinking about trying Poshmark. Anyone had good luck selling clothes there?) and constantly vacuuming up the dry grass my dogs are rolling around on in the backyard.

Here are some fun links from the last week:

Slang phrases from the 1920's that should be brought back. The history nerd in me suspects some of these might not be accurate, but some are hysterical…

Anyone heard of these MiiPC's reviewed by Cool Mom Tech this week? As my boys get older and are needing to do school work on a computer I'm very intrigued by this idea.

Ready for more brownies? These Dulche de Leche brownies from Brown Eyed Baker look phenomenal.

This Beer and Cheese dip from the Curvy Carrot would be perfect football playoff food.

Are you looking forward to the Oscars? Luckily there are a few children's movies on the list of nominees or I wouldn't have seen any of them! Somehow I don't think I'll get a chance to watch the best picture movies before March…

Happy weekend everyone!


  1. Those recipes look delicious! Thanks for sharing.

  2. I'm looking for an excuse to make both of them now :)

  3. I am very much looking forward to the Oscars! I saw "Her" this weekend and loved it! For once, I've seen most of the nominated films -- which is so different from years past.


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