March 31, 2014

What I'm into (March 2014)

This month has been nuts from start to finish in all aspects of life. We've had 85 degree days and we've had temps below freezing. The Air Force as a whole is undergoing mass personnel changes and there have been some big career decisions for our family to go along with it. That deserves it's own post, but the short version is that we'll be moving home to New England this summer! We don't know much more than that yet, but I'm headed east to do some house and school hunting in April and then our plans will really start coming together. It was a rough road to get to this point but I'm really happy with the outcome :)


Comfort reading was the name of the game this month. I started out with a new book by a favorite author-City of Jasmine by Deanna Raybourn which combines my love of early archaeology with flying, a subject that, being married to a pilot, takes up far more of my brain power than I care to admit. After that I got on a Madeline L'Engle kick, starting with a Wrinkle in Time and The Wind in the Door and moving on to a Circle of Quiet, which is the first of her Crosswicks Journals. I'm almost done with this one, but I'm savoring the last few chapters rather than rushing through to the end.


I'm racing through the back seasons of Veronica Mars so I can watch the movie. I LOVE that they released it on Amazon at the same time as in the movie theater, because we never make it out to see a movie before it leaves the theater.

Obviously, speaking of kids movies, we've been watching Frozen over and over. And over and over and over. I wasn't sure my boys would be into it because I had assumed it was a "princess" movie, but they are obsessed and I'm really happy to have a movie for them to watch with strong female leads and an ending I really support. Although, now every time I feed my big oaf-y shepherd mix carrots I think of Sven!

I also just started Cranford yesterday and I'm in love...though I don't think I could hate anything with Judi Dench in it.

Around the blog and the rest of the web:

Going DIY for our new Taco Tuesday routine.

Dark Chocolate Chip Scones for tea with a friend.

On Comfort Cooking.

Getting back in the habit of storytime from This Vintage Moment.

British Accents Explained from Two Nerdy History Girls.

This worked like a charm!


Legos, legos and more legos! My oldest turned 6 this month and not only did we throw a Lego party we have been building new sets almost non-stop. (And if I never have to draw another Lego face again I will be happy!)

I also saved up some of Kiwi Crates to do over spring break...thank goodness because we all got sick in turn so I was constantly trying to occupy one energetic kiddo while taking care of a tired and sick other kiddo. They were a lifesaver!

What have you been up to this month? Check out the linkup with Leigh Kramer for more great ideas :) 

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  1. I am drooling over your scones! Those look amazing. I really have to find some time to invite friends over for coffee/tea just so I have an excuse to make those.

  2. They freeze fabulously too :) Then you'd always be prepared when friends drop by or you need a snack with your tea!

  3. I'm intrigued by City of Jasmine! The Lady Julia Grey series had started waning for me... and I really did not like Raybourn's book last year. (I forget the title... the one set in Kenya.) But maybe I'll give her another chance!

  4. Ooh, we need a new Netflix show, and I'm thinking Veronica Mars might be it. Thanks for the taco seasoning recipe: I love finding things that are just as easy to make as it is to buy at the store!

  5. Love the picture of your cool coffee mug--I think I've seen one of those before, but can't remember where - banned books?--and your L'engle book - she is my favorite author of all time! :) Great post!

  6. Hope you enjoy the Veronica Mars movie! I LOVED it. Since I rented it on Amazon, I plan on watching it a few more times before the rental ends. Can't get enough.


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