April 4, 2014

In which I turn thirty-something and can't pick a cake

How's that for a ridiculously long post title? Ha!

Next week I turn 34...which is the last year I think I can still say that I'm in my early thirties. Dead in the center of what Madeline L'Engle called the "tired thirties" in Circle of Quiet. Oh my, was she right. 

This has been a year of big, scary grownup decisions and finally starting to feel like we aren't just pretending to be adults.

Our upcoming move will be our 6th together. On the one hand the actual move is old news. Been there done that. On the other we're headed to a much different environment than our usual military move. We'll be the closest to "home" we've ever been but it's still an unfamiliar area.

We need to find the right town and the right school....AND then the right house. Yikes. Adding the schools in to our search criteria has made this about a thousand times more complicated, and I feel about a thousand times the pressure to get it right.

On the other hand, this move is giving me a fabulous birthday present. I'm in charge of house-hunting so I get to spend my birthday week driving around beautiful New England and seeing my family and friends.

Since I won't be baking this week for my birthday, I thought I might round up some of my favorite cakes that I've made to serve as a little birthday inspiration. Do I make an old favorite when I get back or something new?

Now that's the kind of decision I like!

Do you have one favorite birthday cake or do you try something new every year?


  1. Wait...you have to make your own birthday cake? Isn't that not allowed???
    My husband makes me chocolate cake :). I like carrot cake too.
    Happy early birthday! Good luck with the move. Factoring the school & house price must he the balance of all balances to make.

  2. My favorite is angel food cake with strawberries & mocha buttercream.
    So excited to hear about your move! Once you get settled I'm coming for a visit!

  3. Thanks for your sweet comment and the intro to your blog! I am drooling over those cakes! What a tough decision. Happy birthday and enjoy your house hunting! Xx

  4. Happy birthday! I just turned 35, so you'll always be younger than me! All those cakes look amazing. I think I'd go for the strawberry one. =)

  5. I like to make my own because I can be completely selfish about the flavors for once :) this move is certainly a whole new experience for us but I'm hopeful it will be the last one for a while so that helps!

  6. Ooh that's a great combination! I'll have to give that a try! I'll keep you posted and you will have to come see us once we settle in :) We could even take a day trip up to Amherst!

  7. Thanks so much for stopping by and for the kind words!!

  8. Thanks! Belated Happy birthday to you too! The strawberry was one of my favorites...I think I'm going to try a few more variations on that one this summer!


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